Call us: 07317186931
CE certified tested as per IEC 60950-1:2005 (2nd Edition) standards at ERTL (Electronics Regional Testing Laboratory which is part of STQC)
CPU and Memory
400MHz Digital signal processor (DSP) with 4MB flash
Enrolment Time
<1 Second
External Inputs and Outputs
Exit switch and door sensor
False Acceptance Ratio (FAR)
From 0.01% to 0.0001%. Adjustable with sensitivity levels in verification mode
From 0.01% to 0.000001% Automatically adjusts depending on enrolled templates in identification mode
False Rejection Ratio (FRR)
<0.1% (Is inversely proportional to FAR)
Fingerprint Capacity
9,000 templates (5,000 users)
Fingerprint Sensor
500 dpi optical sensor
Image Size (Pixel)
280 X 320
Internal Relay
Deadbolt, EM lock, Door strike, Automatic door
4 x 3 feather touch keyboard
Log Capacity
12,800 events
Matching Speed (1:N)
1 : 2,000 < 1 sec
Network Interface
Ethernet conforming to IEEE 802.3 specifications and fully supporting 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX standards
RS485 port also available.
Operating Voltage Temperature and Humidity
12V DC, from -10C to 45C, from 20% to 95% relative humidity
RF Card
Proximity (EM), smart card (ISO14443A), HID (External Reader)
Sensing Area (mm)
16.0 X 19.0
900 x 1850 x 660 mm (W x H x D)
Sound and Interface
Multi-colour LED and 8 X 1 LCD and buzzer
Template Size
384 bytes
Verification Time
<1 Second
Wiegand Output
26 bit Wiegand or configurable to 34 bi