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Strong and Seamless body A fully Wielded Multi corner bendconstruction without a single rivet and a one-piece wrap around door construction
Double Duty Barrier Armoured with Double Duty BarrierMaterial in the Door and the Body
Anti-Corrosion Treatment enhances life of the safe bypreventing rust formation and ensures the paint remains unscathed even after anumber of years
Enhanced torch and Drill resistant matrix used in TRTLClasses of Safes
High Strength Door gives better Protection from fire andBurglary and provides more resistance to Attacks aimed at dislodging Bolts /Locks
Motion senor intelli light enables clear visibility ofcontents inside the safe
High Precision Locks 8 lever dual control brass locks offerhigh number of combinations . These locks offer massive resistance againstpilferage
Enhanced Usable Space Increase the Storagequantity available to the user by providing greater usable Volume