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Product Differentiators
Backrest Thrill cushion chair comes with atapering back which enables the user to have ample amount of clearance for handmovements and make the chair look dynamics and contemporary in styling Thebackrest has a broader lower back with a gentle curve and gives an engulfingfeeling when the user sits on it
Thrill one D armrest that is broad to givefull support your arms
Thrill executive Three D dicast armrest withswivel and depth adjustment as an additional Option over the standard version
Thrill The Thrill chair comes with centre tiltsynchro mechanism with single position locking to be comfortable even whilereclining
Thrill Executive The thrill executive comeswith a centre tilt synchro with multi position locking
The Thrill cushion chair is customizableaccording to the clients needs because of the options available in terms ofupholstery armrests as well backrest heights
Thrill comes in two variants that can be used tocater to different hierarchical needs in a company while keeping the same themeacross the spectrum providing a holistic solution for all the requirements